Tag Archives: Stockholm water prize

Water News Roundup – March 30, 2010

30 Mar

Salt Lake Tribune:

Storm expected to hit Utah this week – Four-wheel drive fans participating in the annual Moab Jeep Safari usually don’t let a little bad weather keep them from exploring the trails surrounding the southeastern Utah recreational hotbed.

Brian McInerny’s STORM WATCH – 60 mph winds??? Oh my!!

Company seeks first U.S. oil sands project, in Utah – An energy company with government approvals to launch the first significant U.S. oil sands project is trying to raise money to build a plant in eastern Utah that would turn out 2,000 barrels of oil a day.

AWRA Blog: Dr. Rita Colwell awarded 2010 Stockholm water prize – Dr. Rita Colwell, a professor at the University of Maryland and at the Johns Hopkins University, has been awarded the 2010 Stockholm Water Prize.

The prize, awarded by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), is sometimes referred to as water’s Nobel Prize.

New York Times:

Of Water, Electricity and the Time of Day – Water accounts for an astonishing percentage of electricity use — 19 percent in California, for example — partly because of all the energy needed to pump it.

Can people be persuaded to change the hours that they use water, and thereby reduce their water utility’s electricity costs? A pilot study conducted last summer in Palm Desert, Calif., suggests that they can.

The Battle Over Bottled Water – Published in recognition of World Water Day, a video called The Story of Bottled Water, made its debut on YouTube this week, using animation and snappy narration to convey what its makers consider to be the evils of bottled water. (It comes from the same folks who produced ”The Story of Stuff” — an eco-themed viral video sensation from last year.)

Not missing a beat, the International Bottled Water Association, declared the new video to be sensational, and quickly posted its own minifilm, highlighting the sustainability practices of its members, which include major brands like Nestlé. (Who knew there was an International Bottled Water Association?)